Category Archives: Our History

ERC starts email subscription list for e-Newsletter, etc.

Hello –

With an apology to those who are getting this message in multiple ways (sorry), I want to point out the new link below (left) to the sign up for our email subscription list.

We will use this list to provide updates about our activities, periodic e-newsletters, upcoming events, environmentally related activities of others that we think might be of interest you, and opportunities to contribute.

I anticipate that we might send several messages per month, so traffic will not be great. And our subscription list will not be shared outside of the ERC.

You can also go to to sign up if you prefer.

Please forward this information to anyone you think would be interested, and please let me know if you hit any glitches so I can fix them!!

Bruce Kingsbury, Director

Central Indiana Old Growth Forest to be Protected

One of the few remaining old-growth forest patches in Indiana is now being protected in partnership with the Central Indiana Land Trust. The property is home to a 400+ year old bur oak and the tallest black ash tree in Indiana at over 100 feet. The patch has been owned by the Meltzer family since 1857 and it has never been logged. The property is near Shelbyville, IN and will be named “Meltzer’s Woods”. It will be open to the public starting in 2016 and is a 30 minute drive southeast from Indianapolis. See the article for more information on the story of the property, the family that owned it for over 150 years, and photos of some its amazing resident trees.


Photo: Mike Fender, IndyStar news